Qiushi Yang 杨秋实

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Electrical Engineering,
City University of Hong Kong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.

[Pinned Message] I will graduate in 2024 and am looking for research position in the industry!

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About Me

I am a final-year Ph.D candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Yixuan YUAN. Before that, I received the B. Eng degree from School of Computer Science and Engineering in Northeastern University of China in 2019.

My research interests lie in multi-modal foundation model, generative AI, computer vision and their applications on medical AI, with a focus on multi-modal learning/pre-training, semi-/self-supervised learning, object segmentation, federated learning, etc.

Welcome to contact me about research collaboration, please don't hesitate to drop me emails if you are interested. Also welcome to contact me about any interesting topics and questions on AI techniques/engineering, products and investment!


Selected Publications

Work Experience

Selected Awards

Outstanding Academic Performance Award of City University of Hong Kong, 2023

Northeastern University Outstanding Student Scholarship, 2016-2017

1st-Level Prize on National Mathematic Contest in Liaoning for Undergraduate Students, 2016


EE3001: Foundations of Data Engineering, 2021, 2022 Fall, CityU.

EE5805: Java Network Programming, 2022, 2023 Summer, CityU.

EE3206: Java Programming and Applications, 2024 Spring, CityU.


Conference Reviewer: ICCV'23, CVPR'23,22, ECCV'24,22, MICCAI'24,23,22.

Journal Reviewer: TMI, TNNLS, TCSVT

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